Aleksandr Orlov Knighted by Cameron

Funny story written by Xavier

Sunday, 10 October 2010

image for Aleksandr Orlov Knighted by Cameron
Cameron knights meerkat

David Cameron has announced, in his new Honours List, that he is to make Aleksandr Orlov a knight of the Garter for his services to advertising.

Orlov said, "I will be liking the ermine cushion, simples."

It is unclear if Cameron is aware that Orlov is a make believe meerkat and is a figment of an advertising executives imagination.

Cameron, speaking through his press secretary, told newsmen that Orlov had made a great contribution to bright new advertising. He said, "I am told he is a charming character who has attracted a lot of business in a cut throat IT industry. I myself have not seen or met him but my daughter says he is very cute, and she's a good judge of personalities. This award continues my drive to be seen as a leader who is modern and in tune with the people of this country."

The Queen, who is an Orlov fan and has all of his website downloads, tore her crown off, slammed her fist down and said, "It's a blawdee porpet fawr Christs sake!"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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