George W - London Mayoral Election Update 7

Funny story written by Xavier

Thursday, 30 September 2010

image for George W - London Mayoral Election Update 7
The buses should have given it away!

As part of his familiarisation process ahead of his London Mayoral campaign George W wanted to discuss his ideas for arming the police with repeating automatic rifles.

His secretary arranged a meeting with the Metropolitan Police, at Scotland Yard, to canvass their views.

She put him on a plane at Dallas Airport but could not accompany him herself. He disappeared and could not be found for 15 hours. Police all over Britain were put on high alert in case he had been kidnapped, or re-abducted by aliens.

Fortunately, at 10:27 this evening, he was found wandering aimlessly around Edinburgh, still looking for Scotland Yard.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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