Following our coverage of George W's election campaign for Mayor of London we understand that George has a secret plan to publicise his campaign.
He has ordered a batch of bibs with 'Vote George for London' printed in red across the front. George plans to wear these bibs, in place of his plain pale blue ones, whenever he attends an official dinner.
His campaign manager, Ms Leudinski, said that because George always eats with a spoon he tends to drop food down his front so rather than stain his new 'I love Mickey' tie he favours a bib.
He hopes the bib will be seen by all his fans in England and will convince them that George W is their man.
We spoke to ordinary Americans on the streets of New York to find their views on his campaign.
Elmira, a garbage disposal officer said, "Hey man, you damn well welcome to the xxxx guy."
Louis, a policeman, said, "The sooner the xxx xxxxxx xxxxx xx shifts to London the better."
So the mood in America seems to be they welcome his effortsa to become London's third Mayor.