It is reported that a new website, available only to those with loadsofmoney, has caught the attention of very rich, very silly and very cocky professionals in the UK.
Googling, superduperhookerbooker will get you into the site but a password is required to proceed further. We can reveal that password to be vajazzlevuvuzela. Anyone with less than 10 million in the bank need not read further.
Since you have anyway, here's the dirt.
A certain young lady from the US, allegedly,recently had the pleasure of Becks. Money no object, just get these effing sounds out of my head. Becks, still not recovered from the disastrous drubbing of the England soccer team in South Africa, sought solace and sucour in his adopted new home from home.
Much to our continuing delight, he and umpteen million delusional devotees of Engerland, are still suffering from the "we was robbed" not a goal/was a goal incident. Becks, however needed additional therapy and sought it, at any price. That price happened to be a first diamond vajazzle adornment.
It is alleged, the young lady in question had researched her prospective client base and snagged, Becks, the biggest prize, first. The words, I've had Becks, she knew, would have all the rich boys in England vajazzling her as a trophy in their cabinet.
Assorted Range Rovers can often be found parked outside an exclusive London address. In a quiet respectable area, only incoherent cries of pleasure, in many incoherent accents, split the night air.
The vajazzled one, is reported to be running out of vajazzling space as her new, rich friends attempt to outdo each other for vajazzling rights. The diamond stores in London are experiencing an increasingly lucrative trading year.
Wayne Rooney is on a tight leash and cannot possibly have donated a vajazzle.