Cardinal Tony Blare, former British Prime Minister and now a roaming sage, has brokered a deal between the Pope and the British Government to encourage the use of the gradual withdrawal method of contraception for returning male personnel from Afghanistan.
'It is impotent to get the timing right' Blare explained 'otherwise you can find yourself with an unwanted problem.'
The Republican Tea Party is favouring the move for returning American troops also, should it work well with the British.
A special team is being assembled by famous M.P. and TV star Ann Widdecome to assist with implementation of the withdrawal method.
Even the Taliban is taking note of the development and is thought to be ready with President Carkey to introduce a similar scheme for returning Taliban forces. With Afghan former troops also on the schedule unity in Afghanistan, not experienced since 4004 B.C. is on the horizon.
Tony Blair's initiative is being seen as a fine sequel to his extraordinary role in dismantling Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.
A British soldier told our reporter: 'We want a safe withdrawal method. It introduces a discipline which, in the long run, should help deal with world over population. It is certainly more popular than the current efforts.'