The UK has at last admitted to the fact that the recession is much worse than thought!
Well, everybody knew that the UK lives on "PUMP" creditcards, disgustingly high house prices and over-inflatory prices generally.
A normal worker earns 15 - 20K annually and spends 30K annually, that's pretty normal!
Finances his Christmas, summer holiday spending with Visa, Mastercard or American Express and pays the following year, that's pretty normal!
The average UK homeowner paid five time as much for his "shithole" than it's really worth and is chained down by "negative equity" that's pretty normal!
UK kids owe so much on their "Mobile telephone bills" that they are all about to be imprisoned, that's pretty normal!
To top it all Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, has just announced:
"Due to the fact that they caught me fiddling my expenses and I have to budget with my normal salary, I now have debts of over 2 million on my creditcards!!!" AAAAGHH!
Gordon is asking Obama for a quick bail-out, being a bit tight himself, he referred Gordon over to the Chinese, that's where the all the dosh is!!!