A BBC military force led by the experienced but cruel and violent John Simpson was to be part of a pincer movement in an invasion of the Gaza Strip.
The shocking details have come to light after documents were lef in a taxi cab by the head of the BBC, Field Marshall Mark Thompson. The papers reveal how a specialist Force of BBC reporters were to infiltrate the Gaza Strip
First key positions had to be taken or destroyed.... including the local primary school ( seen to harbour terrorists of the future`) the local bakery which makes rock cakes (deemed as being weapons) and the local library (which could harbour books of hatred and DIY material including the entire Blue Peter collection of how to make things)
Once achieved, Simpson, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, when he singlehandedly liberated Kabul, would fly in with a specialist BBC team on a search and interview for interrogation mission against Hamas.
Abdul Bin on the Razza who jumped into the cab after Thompson leapt out in Golders Green north London, said he was "GOBSMACKED' when he saw the file with papers falling out.
" I had a wee look to see if I could find the name of the geezer who just got out, and instead I saw this blue print of an invasion of the Palestine.....This explains why the BBC would not show the DEC appeal... I could be wrong but I don't think this impartiality at all....."
When asked what he did next Abdul said.." I immediately contacted the Daily Express and made a massive fortune in selling them the documents and then I was deeply shocked to think that the BBC could do such a thing. My moral sensibility is deeply offended....." Abdul could not say much more as he had to pick up his new Ferrari and head off to the Carribean for a quick holiday.
Rabbi Avi Cohen spokesperson for the BBC dismissed the papers as "absolute nonsense....this is fabricated against the good name of the BBC....Avi added... "anyway we never planned a pincer attack Rambo Simbo was always going to fly in with his force...errr...damn I have to go now"
Field Marshall Mark Thompson was unavailable for a comment as it was the Sabbath.