A luxury private jet on route to Japan with some of Britain's most senior bankers on board, was forced to land at a remote airport in Siberia yesterday after the airline 'Carrion Jet Services' was put into administration. The pilot and crew have been taken off the plane and will be flown back to England but the Russian authorities have categorically refused to allow the Bankers to disembark.
A spokesman for the Russians said "We are quite happy with our own Mafia thank you and we are not in the market for a merger."
A spokesman for the private jet company said "I'm not surprised the Company's gone down. Most of our clients were bankers so you can imagine what our cash flow situation was like." The Administrator has said he would not be sourcing alternative travel arrangements for the bankers. When asked if he thought it unreasonable to leave the bankers in Siberia, he pointed out that the Banks themselves have recently pulled the plug on various airlines and those that are left are hopeful that, by abandoning these senior executives, their own airlines will have a chance of survival.
We understand from the crew that things on board the plane are getting desperate. A stewardess said, "Supplies of champagne must be getting very short by now and the Caviare was finished before we'd even flown over the channel."
The PM, when asked if he would intervene to rescue the stranded bankers, said "To be honest, Adi and I are getting a bit sick of rescuing this lot and having them out of the picture could be just the break we need to get the economy back on its feet."
However, sources suggest there may be a mystery rescuer with a few buddies in the Kremlin and, for a small country estate and a yacht, he might be prepared to help out.