The stuffed remains of Dolly, the first mammal cloned from an adult cell in 1996, were stolen from the Royal Museum early Monday morning.
"It seems odd that a stuffed speciman would be the only thing taken," said a museum spokesman. "Sure she's priceless to a collector, but she's really not worth that much."
The robbery raised quite a ruckus. Explosives were used to gain entrance to a loading dock. "People started crying terrorism and running around crazy like," said an American tourist at the scene.
The theives chose morning rush hour to stage their assault. Police response was predictably slow. Museum security guards ran for cover when the building was rocked by the explosion and automatic gunfire. No one was injured.
The Royal Museum and Roslin Institute where Dolly was cloned have offered a £25,000 reward for her return. "We want the whole world to see her, not some well-heeled collector with criminal connections," said Dolly cloning scientist Ian Wilmut who had previously made headlines when he cloned sheep Megan and Morag from cultured embryos.
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