BILLINGSGATE POST: Two days after British health minister Matt Hancock said he had tested positive for coronavirus and was self-isolating at home with mild symptoms, he announced that a countrywide ban on sheep threesomes was forthcoming. Coincid...
BILLINGSGATE POST: Asked by Rachel Maddow if he was surprised by the hospitality of the sheep while he was campaigning in Montana, the Vice-President responded with a sheepish smile: "Hell no. The sum-bitches kicked out two brand new pairs of Edd...
BILLINGSGATE POST: It was 1996 when Dolly the Sheep was first cloned by the CSOGBGW (Cloning Scientists Of Great Britain Gone Wild). Since then, attempts to make copies of Fahrenheit 911 producer, Michael Moore, have had mixed success. The hog-...
BILLINGSGATE POST: In the on-going saga of Coyote vs Road Runner, an escalation engineered by the ever-devious Road Runner confused the GPS setting on the ACME HellFire missile, resulting in a total malfunction of the tracking device, causing it to...
The stuffed remains of Dolly, the first mammal cloned from an adult cell in 1996, were stolen from the Royal Museum early Monday morning.
Today, Feb. 22, marks the 10th anniversary of the birth of Dolly, the cloned sheep. Dolly is now stuffed for display in a Scotland museum.
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