16 year old fears jumping up and down today

Funny story written by Ben Macnair

Thursday, 22 August 2019

image for 16 year old fears jumping up and down today
I am really the only person in the world who believes in me, and I am scared.

Sam Jones, a sixteen-year-old schoolboy is collecting his G.C.S.E results today, and although he is expected to get good grades, he is more scared of having to repeatedly jump and down for a photographer from the local newspaper The Chutney on the Fritz times.

Sam told us 'I have been dreading today, not because of the results, really, if I scrape one G.C.S.E that will be a bonus, but I will have to jump and down, and Darren jumps really high, so I will look stupid compared to him'.

Sam's parents said 'We had to do it, his sister had to do it two years ago. It is a right of passage for all of us, like your first kiss'.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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