Tommy Robinson is reportedly mortified that he has actually been jailed for 13 months, a source reported today.
Apparantly, Mr Robinson's understanding of his role in current society was that of an "agitant" and a "troublemaker." As such, despite his long police record, he hadn't expected to actually ever have to serve time behind bars.
He is said to have commented," I argue, I rant, I do pseudo-intelligent stuff that incites violence, which most of my followers dont really understand, mainly because its bollocks, but it works for me. What I don't do is anything that might put me in jail, I leave that kind of thing to the oiks."
He was said to be absolutely horrified to have been jailed with actual criminals who rather than listen to his shit, would simply deck him on the spot.
He said weakly "I never thought I would end up in a position where my bullshit means nothing, where my weasly smirk is unappreciated, where there are really hard ethnic minorities with absolutely nothing to lose."