London vicar turns church into post office, quotes Euro/Sterling/US Dollar exchange rates for 30 Pieces Of Silver

Funny story written by queen mudder

Thursday, 4 September 2014

image for London vicar turns church into post office, quotes Euro/Sterling/US Dollar exchange rates for 30 Pieces Of Silver
Fifty Israeli shekels will get you one Pyongyang Euro at Rev Cain's Easycash ATM

London, UK - A North London vicar who has clearly never read the part of the New Testament about Jesus throwing the money changers out of the temple has opened up his own little bit of heaven in London NW6.

The Rev Andrew Cain, vicar of St James's, is pumping lucrative profits by flogging travellers cheques, foreign currency and money transfers after setting up a post office on the Good Lord's turf.

Horrified parishioners have been left gobsmacked at this foray into faux capitalism and are lobbying the Archbishop of Canterbury about Cain's abuse of the church's Terms & Conditions of Employment.

Especially the Matthew 21:12 clause - where the Bible's forerunners of the Wonga usury empire who made fat bucks from feckless Judeans are unceremoniously thrown out on their arse.

Commenting on the fast developing ecclesiastical farce surrounding Rev Cain one local resident observed that the padre may be secretly channeling his wannabe Doris Lane, postmistress in Lark Rise to Candelford.

"Probably some sort of front for a local Ponzi scheme," retired fraud squad detective Dave 'Barky' Snarlsworth said this morning.

Fifty Israeli shekels will get you one Pyongyang Euro at Rev Cain's Easycash ATM.

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