An electable laugh filled political party is in the final stages of formation with Boris Johnson and the UKIP party at its core. Trial comedy press releases will be held at the Apollo theatre, with side splitting faux passes by each member of the UKIP party.
The Chuckle Brothers will be paid advisers to the new party. Recent attempts at off beat humour by the Lib Dems suing themselves have been described by new wave comedians as more like Benny Hill or the Two Ronnies than Ben Elton. A new "smug humour" approach is apparently being worked on if the slapstick fails.
Austerity measures and George Osbotne's fatal error of actively eliminating jobs before new ones are "created" are clearly causing the existing coalition not to be funny anymore.
Naturally hilarious political parties like the Conservatives have been unable to get enough gullible voters to rule the country without the embarrassment of going cap in hand to the equally non government viable Lib Dems.