YPSILANTI, Michigan - Sarah Palin told a crowd of supporters gathered at a Dunkin Donuts parking lot that if she is elected president she will be making a big change in the sports world.
The former ex-governor of Alaska who says she is a die-hard hockey fan says that she will do everything she possibly can to move the Green Bay Packers up to Anchorage, Alaska.
Palin speaking before a crowd estimated at between 24 and 27 people said that it is about high time that Alaska has its very own NBA team.
An elderly gentleman wearing a Detroit Lions baseball cap yelled out that the Packers play in the NFL and an embarrassed and somewhat angry Palin hollered back, "Ah pipe down ya old geezer - NBA, NFL, what's the friggin difference? It's like ya know, half of one, six dozen of the other one."
Palin was then asked what she plans on doing about the nation's staggering unemployment rate. She paused for a moment and then said that she has really been reading up on that problem quite a bit lately.
She giggled and said that she promises that if she is elected she will see that more of the unemployed people become employed people and that those people who are presently non-working folks become working folks, and the one ones that don't have jobs get jobs so that they can then have a job to go home to from that job.
Half of the crowd stated cheering and the other half could be seen looking at each other and mouthing the words, "What the eff did the bitch just say?"
Sarah Palin's Nationwide Bus Tour will be headed to Kalamazoo next where old "Snowflake" said Paul Revere's horse, "Horsey" was born.