Mercury Morris is Mad

Funny story written by UWGB-Beek

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Miami - Mercury Morris is upset that no NFL teams are undefeated.

"I live for going on ESPN and bragging about an old record that really doesn't mean much to most Americans. Sure, our team went undefeated and the season was only 14 games long, but we are still the only team in the modern era to do it." Mercury Morse told reporters.

"I know the Bears went undefeated twice, but I am not a fan of history when it means I can't talk about my worthless record. I am getting old and can't imagine that I will get too many chances to go on ESPN." Mercury Morris added.

Mercury Morse made a name for himself when the Patriots almost went undefeated and he was on every sports show talking about how only the 1972 Dolphins were the best team to ever play.

This year Mercury Morris went away pretty quick and can't wait for the next NFL season.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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