DETROIT - (Sports Satire) - Colin Kaepernick flew into MoTown to meet with Detroit Lions owner Shelia Firestone Ford Hamp, who signed the former San Francisco 49ers great quarterback to a very lucrative contract.
Ms. Ford Hamp, asked Colin how his Lions number 7 football jersey felt. He nodded in the affirmative and said that it felt like a million bucks.
The Lions owner responded by saying that she is as happy as a penguin at SeaWorld to have him on the team's roster.
She then asked him how it felt to be a "Lion." Kaepernick roared and commented that he had told a reporter with ESPN-5 that morning, that it was such a great feeling for him to know that he will be back in the NFL making millions to play football, whereas the Trumptard, who criticized him, will be sitting in a cell at Sing Sing Prison making New York State license plates.
SIDENOTE: Shelia Firestone Ford Hamp, smiled, and then she hugged and kissed Colin and told him, "Well babe, like they say in Vegas, 'Paybacks are hell!'"