Scientists believe that breastfeeding mothers can influence what their child will prefer eating in later life. If they want their child to enjoy eating vegetables that they should eat vegetables whilst they are breastfeeding (well not at the same time but maybe several hours beforehand) so that breast milk will contain a taste enzyme which will influence the child well into adulthood.
Professor Hugh Juggs from Bristol University, told In Seine News: "at present, this is only a theory because in Western countries 99% of women are eating colossal amounts of junk food such as Macdonald's and Dominoes Pizzas. As such, if women are doing this, then it is impossible to find a control."
"And what about those women who often went down the pub for a pint of bitter or lager and who chain-smoked? Does that mean that that their children will follow suit? Indeed, it is questionable as to why some children love fish? It is hard to say, but watch this space." He said.