Queenie on Facebook: I'm already on says Mudder

Funny story written by masterchev

Monday, 8 November 2010

image for Queenie on Facebook: I'm already on says Mudder
I rule sux0rz!

Amidst reports that the Queen is using Facebook, Satirical Writer Queen Mudder recently revealed she's been using it for seven years.

Top writer Mudder was annoyed that the news was only just coming out, revealing "That bloody hypocrite's lying. I've been on Facebook for years now! And she has too! She's been poking me day in, day out. Why won't it stop?"

Reports linking this obsession with an article Mudder once wrote have been swiftly denied.

The Palace had this report to say:

"We acknowledge Miss Mudder's contribution, but the Queen has flagged her comments as abuse and have reported it to the Facebook Police. Amazing for an old bat isn't it."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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