NASA Has Just Purchased The Most Powerful Telescope Ever Manufactured

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Sunday, 5 January 2014

image for NASA Has Just Purchased The Most Powerful Telescope Ever Manufactured
The Invader 99 will be permanently housed at NASA in Houston.

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina - One of the largest telescope manufacturing companies in the United States has just developed what it says is the most powerful telescope ever made.

The Southern Drawl Telescopic Company in Charlotte, North Carolina told the members of the press that the telescope known as The Invader 99 was developed after 3 years of research, development, and manufacturing.

They stated that The Invader 99 is capable of spotting a piece of lint in a gnat's belly button located as far away as the planet Saturn.

The telescopic firm pointed out that Switzerland had started to develop a similar telescope but they ran out of funds before they could complete the project.

SIDENOTE: NASA has purchased The Invader 99 and they stated off-the-record that they plan to use the astoundingly powerful telescope to spy on North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as well as on several Republicans including Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Clint Eastwood, and Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

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