Donald Trump finally grows some balls and admits that he has a daughter born out of wedlock

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Thursday, 22 June 2023

image for Donald Trump finally grows some balls and admits that he has a daughter born out of wedlock
Trump pictured holding his attorney's hand at a recent court hearing

Daily Drama writer Cinderella St. Lamb has just broken the story that finally after denying it for 40 years, the adult with the baby hands and fingers (that be Trump) has finally grown some gonads (onions, balls) and admitted that yes, a gorgeously sexy San Francisco woman, who works as a masseuse, is in fact his biological daughter.

Miss St. Lamb reported that she spoke to Trump, who finally admitted that Ambrosia Franconero is in fact his biological daughter.

Amby, as he calls her was born out of the sexual union of Trump and her mother, who 40 years ago was employed as Trump's gold caddy.

St. Lamb said that the TrumpTwat told her that one night the two got shit faced (drunk) and one little hand led to a little hooha (vagina) and as they say in Nova Scotia, the rest is history mate.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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