Special guest at the NUTTERS BEACH CLUB, "The Fat Lady Sung!" Jour trent-quatre / D Day!

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Thursday, 12 July 2018


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image for Special guest at the NUTTERS BEACH CLUB, "The Fat Lady Sung!" Jour trent-quatre / D Day!
This particular dragon called Nemesis, and speaking fluent Croatian, threw flames so fierce, St George surrendered!

St George did not slay the dragon and history never repeats itself, but we don't care at The Nutters Beach Club because last night's special VIP guest artist, "The Fat Lady" sung her heart out on the White Cliffs of Dover and forgot to jump on the ferry to Calais to sing to the French, 'Les Bleus' where the song will surely reach a rip-roaring finale!

However, she was brilliant to the end as she gave a fake version of Roy Orbison's classic, many years ago, 1966 I believe, "It's Over" before it begun!

Even Volga Olga and a very pissed Poet Laureate, Sir Francis (We could have done with a Drake or two last night) managed a salty tear as The Fat Lady sung and then hitched a ride in the Channel Tunnel, incognito. She wore a Joan of Arc costume after ditching her Boadicea dress over the White Cliffs where once our D Day troops, so proud and brave, thrashed the Nazi dragon, unlike our toothless, but brave Lionhearts did in 2018 and the last 54 years!

Nutters Beach Club owner, Jaggedone, has requested that his family mummify his pathetic rests, stick them in liquid hydrogen and defrost them, just in case St George breathes enough fire to beat the rest like they did 54 years ago, but I have my doubts!

Aurevoir mes amies et vive Le France...

It remains a fable...

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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