I'm just no good at small talk
Narrow and bijou
Microscopic and minute
Sorry, what do you do?
Dinky winky, little, dwarf
Incy wincy, klein
Matchbox, kneehigh and compact
Can I top up your wine?
Teensy weensy, minimal
Teeny weeny, wee
Itsy bitsy, miniscule
Would you like a cup of tea?
Baby, mini, miniature
Shrunken, titchy, speck
Narrow, nipper, iota, mite
Get naked? What the heck!
Pint-sized, trifling, piddling, runt
Meagre, puny, shrimp
Insufficient, paltry, scant
I feel a little limp
Undersized, petite, inadequate
Stunted, diddy, slight
Inferior, negligible, diminutive
Not a pretty sight
Wait…adequate, significant
Considerable, fine
Huge, enormous, massive, great
Let's go back to mine.