Mens incapabilities confirmed

Funny story written by Jo Dash

Thursday, 14 October 2010


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Ladies it's true. At one time or another we'll have had our "other half" do - or not do something which really REALLY irritates us, but studies have proved there are a wealth of things which men are physically and mentally incapable of doing - all of which come second nature to us "superior sex" women.

The top ten are listed here.

1. Changing the toilet roll when it comes to the end

2. Putting softener in the washing machine

3. Replacing the lid on the toothpaste

4. Noticing when socks are odd

5. Using a wooden spoon in a non-stick pan

6. Knowing there is a difference between white and coloured washing powder

7. Put the toilet seat down

8. Removing toenail clippings from the bath

9. Asking for directions

10.Learning where they went wrong with all of the above

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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