The world has been asking the following 10 questions ever since mankind decided to abandon the caves, conquer the world and "think"! (weeellllllllll?)
The only problem is nobody has been able to answer them!
A "think tank" set up by the Spoof and it's slightly loony writership therefore came up with the following answers:
1. What is the meaning of life? = Fuck All
2. Is there a God? = Ask Allah!
3. Do blondes have more fun? = If they're on their back no, doggy style, a massive yes!
4. What is the best diet? = M*D*n*a*ds wins hands down, hence the reason why so many people all over the world buy their crap, logical! (what a stupid question!)
5. Is there anybody out there? = Yes, Spoof aliens!
6. Who is the most (in)famous person in the world? = Adolf Hitler (who else can beat his notoriety, well Stalin did?)
7. What is love? = Sex & S&M, without them marriage is a toss-er and not worth the investment.
8. What is the secret to happiness? = Sex & S&M + a million or 2 on my bank account!
9. Did Tony Soprano die? = Who gives a shit so why ask the dumb question in the first place!
10. How long will I live? = until you die arsehole!
There you have it, million year old mysteries solved in one foul Spoof, take them or leave them, who gives a damn? (yet another mystery to be solved!)