7 Near-Truths you didn't know about Vince Cable

Funny story written by Ozone91

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

With the Liberal Democrat MP starting to throw his weight around in his role in the Coalition Government, we take a look at some of the things you might not have known about Vince Cable.

1. Cable was concieved immaculately, in York, in 1943.

2. Cable worked in the treasury for Kenya from 1966-1968, where he officially became known as 'Papa Cable'.

3. Cable has been the Member of Parliment for Twickenham since the 1997 election and since his initial victory, has become an overlord in the constituancy.

4. Cable was at the forefront of ridding the Liberal Democrats of their alcoholic leader Charles Kennedy in late 2005.

5. Cable predicted the current economic downturn as early as 2003, confirming what many believe to be psychic abilities.

6. Cable made a quip during Prime-Ministers Questions during Gordon Browns reign of empathy which has since been confirmed as the funniest thing said in British Political History. The line described Brown's 'remarkable transformation in the last few weeks from Stalin to Mr Bean.'

7. Cable is a keen ballroom dancer, and dreams of one day appearing on Strictly Come Dancing.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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