Feminisim is in crisis after a 10 year research study has concluded men are better than women at everything.
Dr. Linda BeeAnn Professor Emeritus of Sweden's Centre for Gender and Equality studies: "We started out trying to prove women were being discriminated against, but our research just kept pointing in the direction that men are just better than women"
Men are more intelligent, hold top posts in government, industry, science, are better at sport, have molded history and are elite in quite frankly every field.
Dr. BeeAnn continues: "Empirical evidence shows men are just better. To make the economy more productive, we need to reduce to number of women in the workforce and let the men do the work. Society would be best served if women stayed out of the way at home looking pretty, we had it right in the past, everyone was happier then"
Dr. Les BeeAnn's research is backed up by political economists.
"Since women have got the vote we've had 2 World Wars. Technological efficiencies such as computers and automation have been negated as women entered the workforce, creating an inefficient workplace with all their gossiping, doing their nails and us having to build female lavatories and creches"
"No wonder companies are outsourcing their operations to countries where women know there place" - Dr. Miso Geniste.
Dr. BeeAnn has quit her post as professor and is now looking to settle down with a good man who will tell her what to do next.