As part of our reporting about George W's London Election campaign we have been asking him to talk about specific problems in London and what policies he would introduce to over come them.
Today we discussed homelessness and I asked him what he thought about homelessness in London.
G.W. "Well, y'all'know I'm told it gets pretty wet sum'time in there London what with y'ole May showers and autumn leaves an'all. Seems t'me like not the kind'a place yer want to get kinda caught short in a cardboard box - y'know it'd get kinda soggy - like a mule in a dog'on hurri-Kane"
Xavier. "But what would you do about it George?"
G.W. "Well, y'know I bin doin' sum kinda thinkin and I think it'd be a much better I-deee to stay in um hotel, or least a motel or sum'thang."
Xavier. "Yes but what would you do about all the people forced to live on London Streets?"
G.W. "Well, y'know in um my home town what we'd do is to call in the troopers and shooot the criters - boom boom, but I guess in the Yoo-Kay yer cain't do that sorta thing so I'd suggest just banging them in jail fer a while."
Xavier. "Have you ever been homeless?"
G.W. "Jesus, cripe, no sir; we always lived on daddy's farm or in that there white house an' after I did my mili-tery service in an office in Pensicola and got me my purple heart why daddy bought me my own farm with lot of them there ani-mawls ta play with"
Xavier. "Thank you George."