HM Government, HM Treasury and HM Revenue and Customs, England: The UK Taxpayer is seriously not getting any value for money from his Tax payments. So why not shop elsewhere?
For instance, if my shop is losing money, should I increase my prices (for the same or worse product), or should I be having a sale and encouraging more business and sales to get myself out of the mess?
So it goes for paying tax, HM Government, HM Treasury and HM Revenue and Customs don't mention about actually increasing value for money. The Taxpayers of Great Britain don't mind paying tax, but they want value for money.
Politicians know and predicted this exodus, they just can't be this stupid, sadly though, it's all about votes. So it's all about learning the hard way, raising the taxes, and those who can leave, voting with their feet and going. The sooner the United Kingdom hits rock bottom, the sooner some real sensible change may happen.
If our stupid Government didn't give so much taxpayers money away for example the European Union. £45 MILLION EVERY SINGLE DAY, to an essentially corrupt and unaccountable Federal state, we wouldn't be one of the most heavily taxed countries in the world.
What our UK politicians fail to appreciate is that wealthy people don't have to stay in the wretched country of the United Kingdom. They should be encouraging wealthy people and businesses into the UK but Britishr politicians just don't get it. They can only tax everyone to the hilt, then squander cash on bank bailouts, overseas aid and of course that sacred cow, the European Union!!
Take this example of a former UK resident;
- "I left the UK in 1978 at the height of horrendous taxation (TSR2 and all that) and free for all incoming immigration. It hasn't changed so was it wrong? No, because I can now afford to live in retirement and nobody begrudges me my standard of living while not exceptional is sufficient. I know I couldn't afford to retire in the UK because the health service is shot and I wouldn't have been able to afford what I have now. When I tried to earn a good living and save I couldn't and I was looked down on because I had a good job and worked hard.
I lived in Hong Kong first which was a tax paradise yet seemed to be able to survive without the total welfare state. Now I live in the US where nobody cares what I earned or what kind of car I drove."
In Britain, where the socialist politics of envy is rampent, thew wrong questions are posed. Instead of asking, "Why aren't those wealthy people paying tax?", you should be asking, "Why am I paying tax?".
Marx would be proud; he knew the value of envy. Just a little thought will reveal that taxation is a crime. It is money which is taken with the threat of violence. Extortion.
When the day comes that you keep the products of your own labour, most of these social problems will simply disappear. Won't it be refreshing to live in a world where ordinary people do not beg governments to steal from other men, so as to provide for their own wants.
Another UK Taxpayer writes;
- "Everyone is leaving. I have three sons. Two did engineering degrees and the other is doing a management/finance type degree.
No 1 son is already in the USA working for a US aerospace company and definitely won't be coming back. No 2 son is now telling me that following a holiday in Australia he's seriously looking at moving out there.
No 3 son is now saying he wants to move to N Zealand because with 5 motor racing circuits and a V8 race series but a population of only 5m he's decided the Kiwis must still have some get up and go.2
If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you will always get Paul's vote.
If you rob Peter to pay Paul and Paula, you will always get Paul and Paula's vote.
If you rob Peter to pay Paul, Paula and for their offspring too, you will always get Paul, Paula and their offspring's vote, until Peter realises he is being fleeced, and then finds ways to stop it.
Last month a business woman of 38 years who had built up a small business since leaving school at 16, had her life savings of £7000 stolen by the state. Why because she unwittingly bought some goods from a thief for £250. yes Two hundred and fifty pounds. Her business and her life are in ruins because the Law now states that anyone in business is responsible for their clients or their suppliers crimes!. Britian will collapse if the entrepreneures big and small are DRIVEN out of Britian or DRIVEN into the ground by the 4235 laws NuLabour brought in.
Quoting the now centuries old quote from Alexander Fraser Tytler. It seems more apt than ever;
- "..democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing"
24% of all income tax is paid by the richest 1% in the country.
43% of all income tax is paid by the richest 5% in the country.
That is alot of tax for schools, roads and other public services that low/middle earner does not have to pay.
New born babies are already born with £32,000 debt around her neck thanks to NuLabour. (Blair does not seem out of pocket though).
When will the British people stop allowing the HM Government, HM Treasury and HM Revenue and Customs taxing the rich out of the country? Britain needs them.
When will the British people stop allowing the HM Government, HM Treasury and HM Revenue and Customs tax and then give that money away to the EU.
HM Government, HM Treasury and HM Revenue and Customs tax give £45 million a day to the EU.
The Conservative, Liberal and Labour parties will not stop this and it is set to rise. They are all for more EU not less.
Only UKIP would stop these payments, but they are tainted by Gordon Brown and Co as extremist.