Once upon a time, a long, long time ago being gay was something totally different. What a shame that this wonderful, positive, jolly, merry word has been adopted by the Homo fraternity.
Here are just a few examples of what acting gay was in historical terms:
San Francisco (where?) in the sixties with the flower power Hippies were so jolly, free and very gay (so what's changed, quiz time?).
Tiny little spring lambs hopping and dancing merrily around the meadows having a gay ol time (before they're lead to the slaughter, sorry Veggies, no offence).
Shrewsbury Town footballers loved having a gay ol time running up and down the pitch inside their ground "Gay Meadow". (although we will never know what went on in the showers?)
Piggies revelling in the muddy, crappy ground thrusting their noses into the crap, laying on their backs with their spiral willies caked in crap and kicking their legs having a jolly, oinking, gay time! (maybe that's where it originates from, Elton John certainly likes sticking his nose in the crap!)
Michael Jackson, alias Peter Pan, flew around the bedrooms and bounced on the beds with his entourage of kiddies having many gay times.
Fairies (?), elves, leprechauns, the Wombles, the Tellytubbies always were so happy go lucky having many many gay times on the TV and in the forests (?).
The list is endless and the expression "acting gay" should really be reinstated to its original meaning, why?
Here a few examples:
Miserable old pill shooter and Gentlemans toilet regular, George Michael, he's not gay, but he is very "gay"!
Leather studded, handle-bar moustached "Gays" in San Francisco do not resemble the gay flower powered hippies of yesteryear, in fact they're a pretty miserable bunch ever since Aids/HIV caught up with them.
William Hague doesn't seem to be very gay these days ever since he got caught with his pants down in a "gay" way just like numerous other Politicians, VIP's, Judges, Pop stars, Film stars ( Rock Hudson didn't die very gayly and he certainly was very "gay").
"Gay" Catholic Priests, what a miserable bunch they are, no gay vibes going on there either and God isn't very gay or happy with their behaviour either!
Just a few examples of "Gays" not acting particularly gay.
There should actually be a global campagne and referendum to reverse the use of the word, gay, to it's original, wonderful and very positive meaning.
Here on The Spoof we all have a gay old time (but not in a "gay" way, sorry once again Skoob, BTW, have you copywrited that comment?)) on the forums, writing wonderful happy go lucky, gay satire and spoofs to entertain our readership and there's not an in the closet Tellytubby amongst us (or?).
All law suits regarding this very gay magazine article please adress to the Editor (and not in a "gay" way).