If you get any e-mails with the subject Stinky Cheese, do not open

Funny story written by rpm1978

Thursday, 8 July 2010

image for If you get any e-mails with the subject Stinky Cheese, do not open

You probably heard about e-mails with the subject Stinky Cheese in the Weird Al Yankovic song Virus Alert, it turns out e-mails with the subject Stinky Cheese really are infected with viruses, of course this virus will not translate your documents into Swahili.

The virus in these e-mails will however translate documents into either Latin, Sanskrit or Mandarin.

The emails are either titled Stinky Cheese, StInkYCHeese, sTiNkyCHeEsE and even StinkeyCheeze

In addition to this virus causing document translations, it will also cause your computer to send weird e-mails to anyone in your address book, some of these e-mails will claim you are worth billions of dollars, and it is very likely your friends and family will ask for cash from you. and the IRS will knock on your door.

So if you get any e-mail with the subject Stinky Cheese, take Weird Al's advice and delete it immediately

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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