Danny does Dallas - Or is it Equus?

Funny story written by Ana Ward

Tuesday, 6 March 2007

image for Danny does Dallas - Or is it Equus?

What an UPSTANDING young man Harry has turned out to be. Most actors/actresses start off their careers doing "porn" - soft or otherwise, but Daniel Radcliffe waited until he was at his peak (famous and dangerously close to exploding with electrical sexuality) to show the world his "reel" talents on broadway.

If Britney, Paris, Hilton and the likes can get away with rebellious behaviour - (and this is expected of them) as a teenager (regardless of his fame and attributes) he too should be allowed the same "perogative" - even though we too have benefited from seeing his well toned buttocks!

His latest "naked acting talents" have caused quite an electric current throughout the entertainment industry. Questions are being asked throughout the world "Did you see Harry Potter's butt?", "Did you see Harry Potter naked?", "So what does Rowling think of all of this?".

I say - WELL DONE YOUNG MAN - your talents are true and bear for the world to see and appreciate. You have excelled at your job - ACTING.

Was he acting though? Is he too looking for attention? I am so glad you asked these questions....

I guess we will have to wait and see if he shaves his head or shows any other signs of rebellion before we as Psychiatrists make an informed decision and brand him as "LOOSING IT" and have him committed for doing his job and enjoying it. He is starting younger than most but he is learning from the best.......

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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