Kick Ball

Funny story written by Blind Fool -••-

Wednesday, 14 January 2004

I'm reminded of the days of my youth where, on the battlefield of the schoolyard, alliances were forged and destroyed amidst the competitive life-or-death game of kick ball.

Kick ball, in the states, is played like baseball except the pitcher rolls a large ball toward the person who kicks it and runs the bases.

The defense can either catch the ball, in which the kicker would be called out. Or if the ball couldn't be cought, then the runner could be hit with the ball and would in turn be out.

I've always thought a professional kick ball league would be great. They could use the already built baseball stadiums in the off season.

A combination of internationally popular soccer (football) and baseball would, I think, stir great interest among many people the world over. And what better draw for kids, which is what the other major sports are always trying to accomplish anyway.

And luring washed-out soccer heros would be a great way to fill the staduim seats—and you could probably get them pretty cheap.

Anyway, that's my idea. Any interested investors?


The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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