Mel Gibson Scoffs At The Rumors That He Took Upskirt Photos of Britney Spears

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Sunday, 26 June 2011


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image for Mel Gibson Scoffs At The Rumors That He Took Upskirt Photos of Britney Spears
Mel Gibson has said that he no longer wants people to refer to him as Mel "From Hell" Gibson.

APACHE JUNCTION, Arizona - Mel Gibson traveled to Arizona to see about selling some property that he has owned in the state for ten years.

The Australian movie star said that he wants to sell the property before he finds out that it has burned down. Gibson said that he has had two offers to buy the property.

One offer was from Maricopa County Sheriff Joe "Pinky" Arpaio and the other offer was from Sarah Palin.

Gibson told Hollywood Innuendo's Fajita San Guacamole that Palin already owns a home in Scottsdale but that she was looking for another place that she plans to rent out to whomever her vice-presidential running mate in 2012 is.

Palin's eldest daughter Bristol Palin of Dancing With The Stars fame lives in Maricopa, which is about 36 miles from Scottsdale where her mom lives.

Bristol "The Pistol" as her mother calls her and her mom are kind of on the outs since the publication of Bristol's book Say About Me What You Will But Everyone Knows That I Am A Damn Good Dancing Queen.

San Guacamole noted that in chapter 13 of the book Bristol reveals some very intimate secrets about her mom's sleeping habits including the fact that she sleeps in a tiny teddy made out of caribou fur.

Bristol wrote that while the caribou fur teddy is pretty it smells horrible; kind of like a sweaty caribou.

Sarah Palin allegedly was so upset when she read that part in the book that she threw the caribou teddy in the trash and now sleeps in a reindeer fur teddy.

San Guacamole asked Gibson point blank about the rumors that had appeared in the supermarket tabloids Just Saying and Say What.

Gibson laughed and replied that he no longer sleeps in the nude since the squirrel incident. Fajita laughed and told him that was not the story she was talking about.

Mel then told her that yes it is true that he recently got a tattoo placed on his lower back that reads Oksana is a Lousy Piano-Playing Bitch Who Got Herself Pregnant With My Baby.

San Guacamole giggled and remarked that was not the rumor either.

Gibson then asked her which friggin rumor she was talking about. Fajita told him that she was referring to the rumor about him taking some sexually provocative upskirt photos of his best friend Britney Spears.

Mel blushed. His faced turned as red as a Shreveport strawberry. He told Miss San Guacamole that he actually felt bad about that since Britty Brit, as he calls her, was the only one who was there for him when he was going through all of the Oksana BS.

Gibson teared up and said that he had been the only one that had been there for her when she went through that Australian lip syncing controversy.

He confessed to San Guacamole that the two had become so close that they almost came very close to consummating their friendship but the only thing that stopped them was that he did not have any condoms at the time and they were about 17 miles from the closest drugstore.

Gibson said that the two had a few drinks and then a few more and before you knew it they were playing spin the bottle with one of Britney's high heels.

He said that she was wearing a pink halter top and a white miniskirt that was about the size of two paper plates. He confessed that he did take out his camera and jokingly told Britty Brit that he was going to take some upskirt shots of her crotch but that he was so drunk that he could not figure out how to work the camera.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Gibson offered to take a lie detector test but Fajita San Guacamole said that it was not necessary since she believed him.]

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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