Alex Reid finally leaves Katie Price's wardrobe

Funny story written by IainB

Thursday, 10 February 2011

image for Alex Reid finally leaves Katie Price's wardrobe
Alex's Cross-Dressing Wardrobe now stands empty

Katie Price has finally managed to extricate Alex Reid from her house after their marriage fell apart in rather predictable style less than a year after it was formalised.

The divorce papers finally came through, and in order to salvage some pride Reid left the house. He would have tried to salvage some dignity, but he lost all that on the day he met Katie Price. The cross-dressing, cage-fighting Reid stated that he was leaving on his terms.

"I'm leaving on my terms," he said. "Katie has asked me to leave on several occasions, but I refused to go. I am now ready to leave. The restraining order and eviction notice had nothing to do with it. I'm a cage-fighter, I can fight my corner."

"It's good to get two wardrobes back," said the former glamour mode, Katie. "It was bad enough losing one wardrobe, but Alex always needed two. One for his everyday clothes, and the other for his cross-dressing."

There is one fly in the ointment to the separation.

"I have had to start criminal proceedings against Alex," said reality TV star, Katie. "When I was looking through my wardrobe, I've discovered that Alex has taken five of my long gowns that are worth nearly fifty pounds."

Alex Reid denies taking the dresses. "She's got hundreds of dresses. Firstly, I don't believe she knows what she's got, and secondly they'll still be there, hidden behind the fake tiger fur underwear or under the real polar bear fur coat she got off Sarah Palin."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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