Katie Price and Alex Reid have tonight been blamed for the fall of Egypt. This news was released earlier on today, as the riots in Cairo began to eat away at the infrastructure of the once great civilisation.
The accusation was made by Abdul Khalifa the curator of the Cairo museum. He said that since he illegaly sold Katie and Alex an ancient gold statue of the Egyptian Jackal God anubis, things had started to fall apart in his beloved country.
The Jackal statue was found in a Pyramidal tomb during Archaeological digs in the 1920s. It was found with a papyrus scroll that detailed the carnage that would be visited upon Egypt if the Jackal statue was ever removed from its homeland.
The curator of the museum didn't believe the prophesies of the Papyruses, and that was why he thought it was safe to sell the golden dog to Katie and Alex. But when Egypt began to fall into chaos, he knew the papyruses were telling the truth. He also knew he had to ensure the safe return of the Anubis to the Cairo Museum of Ancient antiquities.
For the sake of his country, Abdul Khalifa is begging Katie and Alex to return the statue of Anubis. He said it is his country's only hope for a peaceful end to the crisis.
This may sound like a simple request on behalf of the Egyptian Government. But, as Alex Reid has recently been named as the latest unfortunate victim of Alien Brain Beetles, the return of the Anubis might not be as simple as it first might seem.
These Beetles are the same creatures that were found last week inside the brain of a dead banker. The main symptom of the presence of Alien Brain Beetles is selfishness, greed and meanness.
Katie Price is currently fighting to find a cure for the Beetles, not just for the sake of her soon to be ex-husband, but for Egypt too.
By Katarina Frogpond.