X-Factor Stories To Be Banned From Satirical Website

Funny story written by Skoob1999

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

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X-Factor X-Factor X-Factor - Oh YUSSSS!

Although it hasn't yet been confirmed, Skoob Entertainment News has heard word from a bird to the effect that popular satirical website TheSpoof.com is to insist upon an outright ban on X-Factor stories.

Chief Administrator, Charles Laughton (out of the classic movie 'The Hunchback Of Notre Dame) said that there was absolutely no way he'd ever discuss anything whatsoever of any import with SEN, until such time as SEN grows up and takes on at least a smidgen of responsibility.

Which is clearly akin to pissing in the wind, so we talked instead to top Spoof comedy technician, Abel Rodriguez, of San Antonio, Texas.

"I don't really feel that a total ban on X-Factor stories is necessary," Abel told us as he sipped a cappucino in a Riverwalk cafe. "I mean, we don't get that show over here, and there does seem to be an awful preponderance of X-Factor stories popping up - but I have absolutely no clue who the heck they're talking about. Of course, I've heard of Simon Cowell and Cheryl Cole, but not Katie Wassailing or Wolfgang Wagner or whatever it is that Brazilian samba guy calls himself. To be honest with you, I can take 'em or leave 'em. Don't really matter much to me either way."

So, if it isn't a problem for Abel, we wondered how it would go down with Monsignor Francois DuBois SJ of West 'By God' Virginia.

"I think Charles Laughton is absolutely right to ban these God-damned X-Fucter stories off of theSpoof.com because I have no idea who the frick all them God-damned Limeys is jawing off about. We fought the War Of Independence to git us away from them bastids, and now they're trying to undermine the good ole US of A with their Limey bullshit."

As yet, we still await confirmation from Charles Laughton as to whether X-Factor stories will, in fact, be banned.

Former writer Bargis Tadpole announced that he didn't give a crap either way. The other guy was out shopping for hot peppers and a bag of freshly squeezed venom.

More as we get it.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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