Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart In Deja Vu Panic

Funny story written by Skoob1999

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

image for Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart In Deja Vu Panic
Now That's What I Call An Original Caption!

The stars of the Twilight saga, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, today held a crisis press conference, in order to express their deep concern that it's all starting again.

Pattinson and Stewart expressed their concerns through an intermediary, who explained at length how the sultry Twilight stars have been mercilessly lampooned by satirical websites like and driven to the brink of being slightly annoyed.

The intermediary then went on to explain that at one point, between New Moon and Eclipse, the stars thought that the trend had died a natural death as a result of massive overkill.

It seems that some stories circulating on the internet featured Pattinson and Stewart in the headline, but bore no reference to them in a bewildering array of nonsensical articles.

The fear is that the trend appears to be rearing its ugly head again, with a sudden upsurge in satirical entertainment news items often referring to the pair in headlines, before shooting off at deranged tangents, none of which bear any relation to the reality of the stars' lives.

Such utterly unfounded articles tend to have the two getting married, fighting daleks, stealing double-decker buses, or spending time on the Isle of Wight. Among other nonsense.

"I just wish they'd leave us alone," Robert Pattinson groaned.

On the planet Skaro, a spokesman for the daleks rubbed it's egg whisk and suction cup together in undisguised glee as it said in its robotic voice:

"Ha ha. We are getting to them at last. Shortly we shall ex-ter-min-ate them and take over the Hollywood movie studios!"

More utter shite as we get it.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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