Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Divorce Inevitable

Funny story written by Charpa93

Thursday, 5 August 2010

image for Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Divorce Inevitable
This is where all the betting action happens

Although Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart aren't even married, odds makers are placing bets that if they were married, they would already have been divorced by now.

Said one bookmaker in Las Vegas, "I know it's hard to get your head wrapped around this concept, but the truth of the matter is, people don't have to be in a relationship before we are already taking bets on when they will be divorced, and sometimes the odds are favored that the divorce has already happened. That's how we make our money."

"Take Lady Gaga and Chris Brown. No, they aren't dating but we're not interested in what they aren't doing; we are interested in what they could be doing or what they already have done if they, in fact, were doing what we are saying they aren't doing." He went on to say that most everything that goes on in the entertainment world has already happened due to the odds of it happening being placed on the thing that hasn't happened yet.

"When you figure out the system," he said, "you will be one rich son of a gun. In the meantime, how'd you like to get a piece of the action on which performer has already lost America's Got Talent?"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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