Noted idiot and satirist Skoob1999 confirmed today that his well regarded cat, Scrappy The Psycho Killer has announced that she's off. She says she wants nothing to do with any more, and that she intends to write amusing pieces for a rival site.
Scrappy, the daughter of Beryl, subject of a tearjerking Magazine story made her defiant stand when Skoob was late feeding her. She glared at him and stopped purring, the inference being that if she didn't get fed pronto, then she'd quit forever and go out and kill something.
A clearly concerned Skoob told us:
"She's mastered rudimentary typing, and she can log on and sign in, but to be honest I hoped it wouldn't come to this. She just keeps frowning at me and purring. And now she's taken over my computer chair. I shudder to think what sort of thing she'll post on that rival site."
Scrappy, who is widely reported to be 'a cool half back' just stared at our reporter when he asked her what she'd write about.
But cat expert, Hannibal Rectum QC, upon observing the animal, told us:
"This cat means business. It speaks better English than most of the others on the rival website. And it can lick its own arse. It doesn't appear to possess what we would consider to be a great sense of humour, but it appears to find killing small rodents to be great fun."
Skoob1999, the cat's owner was too upset to comment on this shameful betrayal. He was last observed kicking Scrappy gently up the arse and telling her it was bedtime.
The cat didn't react at all.
More as we get it.