Robert Pattinson Catches Kristin Stewart & Taylor Lautner In The Sack Together

Funny story written by Bureau

Monday, 22 February 2010

image for Robert Pattinson Catches Kristin Stewart & Taylor Lautner In The Sack Together
Green-Eyed Monster Appears

Robert Pattinson was very upset last night when he changed his plans and unexpectedly went into "The Sack" and found his On/Off again girlfriend having a veggie sandwich with Twilight co-star , Taylor Lautner, according to witnesses.

"What are you doing here?", Pattinson asked Stewart. "I thought you had some lines to rehearse tonight?"

"I might ask you the same question", replied Stewart, while she pointed toward Ashley Greene who just walked in the door.

"I changed my plans too, after getting very hungry and this place being near-by. I thought this was 'Our' place?"

Customers later stated that the owner of The Sack then came over and got all four people seated at the same table.

Kristin then told Pattinson that she didn't ask Lautner to come to The Sack. She stated that she was in there for all the great veggie sandwiches and when Taylor saw her he waved and came on over.

"It's a free world and Taylor is my friend."

"Well, I didn't ask Ashley here either. If I remember, she and Taylor mentioned that they come here. It's a great place that a lot of actors come to when want veggies sandwiches."

Customers at the other tables were all eyes our source told us. Actually word has gotten around that several actors come to the small restaurant, even the Twilight group.

Greene then told the couple that HER name may be green but that the two of them looked more like it. She asked Lautner if they could go sit somewhere else and he said that it was fine with him. He had asked her there to talk about her eye-popping Sports Illustrated Issue painted-on swimsuit pics.

"Stewart and Pattison went on eating together but they talked low and gestured a lot. She got finished eating and he just sat there. Neither of them were looking very happy."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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