Elvis Presley Sues Stephen King From Beyond The Grave For Plagiarism

Funny story written by Skoob1999

Sunday, 21 February 2010

image for Elvis Presley Sues Stephen King From Beyond The Grave For Plagiarism
Who Copied Whom? - That Is The Question.

In a week which has seen the thorny issue of plagiarism take over the headlines at the expense of that good old staple called infidelity, we've just heard from Graceland that the late King of rock n roll, Elvis Presley has instructed his legal team to sue best selling author Stephen King over a plagiarism issue.

The Presley team allege that King lifted source material for his novel 'The Shining' from Presley's rock and roll classic 'Heartbreak Hotel.'

Jethro Bodine-Clampett, of the Beverly Hills Bodine-Clampetts, Presley's top legal dawg, told us:

"King's plagiarism in this case is blatant. He must have known when he wrote 'The Shining' that it was about a hotel where a whole lot of heartbreak was about to happen. Also, in the book, Wendy Torrance leaves Jack - sort of - when he takes it into his head to chop her and their son Danny up with an axe. The parallels with the song are obvious. In 'Heartbreak Hotel' the singer's wife has also left him. I think I can safely state here that any so-called artist, or book-writer who decides to tell a story about a marital break-up that has a hotel in it had just better be extra careful what they say. Elvis is watching."

A spokesman for Stephen King told us that he had no idea what the heck Elvis Presley's people were going on about, adding that hotels and marital break-ups were hardly the sole property of one individual.

"That's just too dumb for words," he told us.

Stephen King has been plagued of late by frivolous lawsuits and he is reported to be really ticked off with the whole thing as it is preventing him from writing.

Recent cases lodged against the Horrormeister include a Saint Bernard owner who claimed the author had no right using that breed in 'Cujo', a girl who was bullied in high school claiming that 'Carrie' was based on her experiences, and a car owner who claimed that because 'Christine' featured a car, it had plagiarised his life.

To date, no vampires, aliens, ghosts, or scaly monsters have sued King for plagiarism, but the author privately admits that it's only a matter of time.

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