Madonna's Four Minutes Music video Reviewed By Her Children and Husband!

Funny story written by Pointer

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

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Madonna's child preferred her Catholic Italian masturbatory period

Madonna's newest, latest music video is topping the charts and, as usual, evoking controversy and compliments world wide.

Pointer got the exclusive interviews with Madonna's husband and three children as they viewed the video as a family at an underground screening room and bomb shelter.

Madonna and eldest child, Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon seemed wrapped together as one at the end of the Four Minute video which really runs 3 and change. After a long pensive silence Lourdes offered her opinion: "I preferred Mummy's Catholic Italian period when she masturbated with crucifixes."

Eight year old Rocco John Ritchie just wanted to know: "Who was that man who Mummy kept teasing with her privates? That wasn't you daddy, was it?"

Precocious three year old Malawian adoptee David Banda complained: "Africans dance much better!"

When it came Hubbie David Ritchie's turn, he was quiet for a long time. Finally, he offered his evaluation: "When a man sees his mate veritably stripping for another clearly sexsual partner, it's either a groovy turn-on or a real downer. When I saw Justin doing his mating dance for my "mate", I thought that I had died and gone to a Madonna religious video!"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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