No "mutts" at the Butt Hutt

Funny story written by susan allen-rosario

Saturday, 14 July 2018

image for No "mutts" at the Butt Hutt
"He just wanted to look pretty."

Hollywood, CA. - Is it pure greed or pure breed? Better be sure if you want to shop at this establishment.

"They stopped me at the door and asked me if I had a current DNA profile for my dog. Are you kidding me? Sorry they said... no mutts allowed."

The Butt Hutt designs colorful panties for pure-bred dogs. The last thing they want in there is some horny mutt looking to score. No booty calls for Buddy...sorry!

"All I wanted was a funny costume for my dogs Halloween party. I know it's early to be thinking about Halloween but he has been barking about it for days... what will all his friends think when he shows up naked or in some lame mail order outfit. What is this...the KKK for canines?"

A spokesperson for the store said that if people don't like the way they do business they can shop elsewhere.

"We are very selective. Do we need to build a wall to keep the "breeders"out? Better to stop them at the door before they get to work.

"Buddy didn't want to mate...he just wanted to look pretty."

Yeah, sure...that's what THEY all say! The last thing we need in America is a bunch of half breeds.


The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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