Michelle Wolf blasts Roseanne Barr on her show, "The Break"

Funny story written by Dr. Jackass and Mr. Hide

Saturday, 2 June 2018


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image for Michelle Wolf blasts Roseanne Barr on her show, "The Break"
These two ardent Donald Trump supporters are delerious after "Roseanne" was shit-canned.

Roseanne Barr was called "Lady Hitler" by Michelle Wolf on Wolf's new Netflix show, "The Break". Much of this criticism has to do with Barr's online behavior and the so-called “double standard” concerning the horrid comment she made electronically concerning Valerie Jarrett and African-Americans as a whole.

“Everyone’s been saying it’s so brave of ABC to cancel their hit show, but the bold move was actually putting this lady Hitler chef back on the air in the first place. So kudos to ABC, it takes a lot of courage to fire someone after they’ve been openly racist for the thousandth time,” Michelle Wolf said of the good-for-nothing Barr, who should have been a hanger-on at an inner-city convenience store in Honolulu, making bizarre threats and diatribes to the clerks, rather than making a gawdzillion dollars as her role as big, bad, vociferous volcano-mouthed mama. The series was even named after the racist renegade. For how many years - oh it seems like eons or epochs - the American public has been bombarded by that amorphous mass of madness and mayhem with that show titled, "Roseanne".

Like her hero, Donald Trump, Roseanne Barr has a strong penchant - maybe even an addiction - to tweeting. Yes, she herself is a singing, ringing tweety bird. And the tweet that caused “Roseanne’s” cancellation was one of many conspiracy-fueled posts from Barr during the overnight period of May 29.

And like her alter-ego, the Great Leader of the Orange Race, Barr can't stop at one tweet. She has to rifle off a whole fusillade of the stupid, silly, stupendous 148-character blasphemies to fellow members of the human race. The most offensive of these that night was when she wrote that if the “Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby, it would be former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett." (Valerie Jarrett is an African-American woman and Barr is inferring here, in a wider scope, that all Black folks are apes or monkeys.)

“Roseanne’s Twitter statement was abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values,” said Channing Dungey, president of ABC Entertainment, in a statement. Then Dungey announced that the network was ending the highly rated reproduction of Barr’s 1990s series. It didn't take long for ABC to come to their decision to shit-can "Roseanne", either. The cancellation was announced the same day of Roseanne's all-night tweeting splurge on May 29.

It's a shame the series was cancelled, but really, it had to be. The reason I write that it's a shame it got shit-canned was because even though this satire and comedy writer finds Barr to be an overrated hack as far as being a comedian and actor is concerned, the show's other actors are finding themselves in a limbo that they don' t deserve. Because of Barr's selfishness, stupidity, and slimy sarcasm, these actors are left to face unemployment. Though none of them, I don't think, will end up sleeping on a Salvation Army cot or eating at a soup kitchen, they are still left jobless in a Hollywood that can be brutal and forgetful of the stars of yesterday.

I have the utmost respect and admiration for John Goodman, who was Barr's husband on the series. In his many appearances on Saturday Night Live, Goodman never failed to deliver the ultimate punch lines when he did his stand-up routines at the opening of these shows. And as an actor in sundry movies, Goodman proved himself as the ultimate character actor in the comedic roles that he filled with such grace and ease. He did a great job playing a bullying and dangerous con-man bible salesman in Oh Brother Where Art Though, for example. Even in this Talking Heads' video, he is downright funny and intriguing.

Yes, although Barr had to take up space and add weight to "Roseanne", Goodman was the guiding force and backbone behind the show's success. But in the remake of the series, Goodman seemed too warm and fuzzy and lacked the grit and the grime of the character in the earlier series, who was more akin to a modern-day Fred Flintstone than the hen-pecked, kid-loving wimp that appeared on the brief, stodgy, stupid remake of the lame. decades-later, nostalgia-driven re-take.

On "The Break", Michelle Wolf hit Roseanne Barr with a double whammy, and pointed out a swill of never-ending hell for the minority group that Barr blasted in her tweet, too, offering the argument: "How about we enslave all white people for a couple hundred years and even after they’re not slaves anymore, still hold them down in society, devalue their existence by comparing them to animals, never apologize, never really make it right, and then after that there will be no more double standards and everyone will get fired for everything they say!”

Sure, some intellectually deprived, fellow racists of Barr might have seen this megallon mama as cute, clever, and funny, but in all actuality, racism should never be the impetus or the staring point of building a punch line or a one-liner around. For all too long now, Roseanne Barr has made a fortune by kicking the can around. It's good to see Barr's big, fat can being kicked off the air, though, and God Save the Queen, along with Michelle Wolf. It's good to know that there are still a few sane, rationale, caring people in high places in this crazy country, which is currently owned and operated, it seems, by fucking losers and lunatics!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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