LOS ANGELES - Nina Dobrev, star of The Vampire Diaries, has on several occasions made it known that she does not care one bit for Kristen Stewart.
Dobrev explained that her feelings go back several years when K-Stew first started working on the first Twilight movie installment.
Nina said that once Kristen got the part she suddenly turned on many of her celebrity friends and felt that she was now too good to talk with them and much too popular to meet at their old hangout, The Burger Bandit in Redondo Beach.
Dobrev talking with Carolina Chipotle of Bedroom Pillow Talk said that she remembers telling herself that if she ever got a television series she would never have Stewart The Smirk appear on it.
She said that now that the sandal is on the other foot it is a wonderful feeling and one that she certainly cherishes and relishes.
SIDENOTE: To view photos of Nina's most recent intimate tattoo go to www.ninadobrevbodyart.wow.