Osama Bin Laden has been voted as business leader of the year by the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland.
A commentator close to Tony Blair said: "There was no doubt in the Forum's mind. The guy has it all - vision, charisma and drive. He has managed to create a brand that is recognised worldwide and which has managed to adapt over time to make it ever more stronger and resilient."
World leaders had been particularly impressed by Al Qaeda's new departure into the financial sector with its purchase of failed UK bank Northern Rock. The ability to diversify is key to riding the upcoming world recession which some say Bin Laden has orchestrated.
Osama Bin Laden was unable to collect his ward in person as he is busy planning his next high profile global outrage. However, through video footage he said: "I am extremely honoured by this award. It shows that all our hard work has paid off. However, as I tell our recruits there is no room for complacency - we have never finished."
There were some dissenting voices however. One world leader asked: "The thing is Al Qaeda's brand is one based on revolution and opposition. What will they do once they have achieved world domination?"