Spoof Chick Gail Farrelly is suing a Hollywood studio for attempting to cast one of the Farrelly brothers to play her in The Spoof movie.
"I'm so smart, beautiful, talented, and humble, I know it's not easy to find someone to play me," she said, "but the studio put no thought or imagination into the choice, just grabbing up any old person who happens to have the same last name as me."
Ms. Farrelly pointed out that they gave the royal treatment to Queen Mudder, choosing the stunning Rachel McAdams to play HER in the movie. "Just because the Queen has a few more Spoof points than me, SHE gets the royal treatment, and I get the shaft. It's an outrage," the Spoof Chick said. (In the interest of full disclosure, it must be pointed out that the latest Spoof point tally shows Queen Mudder at a trillion and Ms. Farrelly at 42.)
Although not part of her lawsuit, the Spoof Chick also had a complaint against Spoof writer Jalapenoman, saying that he spelled her name incorrectly (leaving out an 'l') in his article listing the cast choices. "He might...and I really mean might...have a big penis, so maybe he's good at some things, but he surely can't spell," was Ms. Farrelly's parting shot.