Screen Name: Gail Farrelly

Gail Farrelly has published 824 items on The Spoof.

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Latest Spoof News Story: Saturday 16th February 2019

Spoofing since: Tuesday 25th April 2006


Location: NY, USA

Profile: Gail Farrelly writes mystery novels and short stories. Gail shares a website with her sister Rita, also a mystery writer; first chapters of the Farrelly mysteries are available on the website. Gail's next book, LOL: 100 Comic Cameos on Current Events, will be published soon. She's the author of a number of short stories published online, including DON'T FORGET TO TAKE YOUR VITAMINS, The Meddlesome Mensch, Silver Bells, The Kindle Did It, and She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: A Kindle's Valentine Lament. Her story "Even Steven" was a finalist in the 2007 Derringer Award competition. Gail's short stories, "The Christmas Exception," "What Are you Doing New Year's Eve," "The Jurors Who Knew Too Much," and "They eDone Him Wrong" (the last story is in the anthology THE KILLER WORE CRANBERRY: A SECOND HELPING) are all published by Untreed Reads . They are also for sale at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBookstore, and at other ebook retailers worldwide. The digital collection of the Westchester Library System in NY has copies of the short stories and the anthology. Gail's latest published novel is Creamed at Commencement: A Graduation Mystery. The forthcoming one is The Virtual Heiress.

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