The Spoof stems incursion of offensive material

Funny story written by Skews Me

Thursday, 21 June 2007


The funny story you are trying to access may cause offense, may be in poor taste, or may contain subject matter of a graphic nature. This story was written as a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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What might be called a denial of service attack by writers for, countless articles on potentially banned topics have been submitted to the site.

"Our filters caught most of the offensive material," said a spokesman. "But some of the material requires deeper reading."

Recent guidelines have been submitted after many authors created their accounts. New rules include:

The writer will not publish any articles which are overly defamatory or offensive. Topics which are definitely not allowed include death of living celebrities, explicit/horrific/graphic descriptions of sex or death, and rape, child molestation or any other sexual offenses.

Business Week lauds The Spoof for their integrity to furthering the creative writing process.

Copyright © 2007, SkewsMe

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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